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What Happens if a Condom Comes Off Inside You

How to remove a stuck condom Picture: Getty Images/

(Picture: Getty Images/

So you had a nice sex sesh, finished up, and then realised that somehow the condom your partner used managed to slip off and get wedged inside.

Oh, it's really in there.

Oh, you're struggling to get it out.

What do you do now?

First off, remain calm. If you've found this article in a desperate Googling spree, breathe a sigh of relief. We've put together a proper guide on what to do if a condom gets stuck in your vagina or anus.

1. Remain calm

This is good advice in general, but it does actually serve a purpose beyond making you feel less frazzled.

If you're tense, your vagina or your anal passage will contract, making removal of the condom even trickier.

If you find yourself in a mad rush of panic, take a break from thinking about the condom debacle entirely and come back to it in a bit. It's not a great idea to keep a condom stuck inside you for a long time, but half an hour or so really won't make a difference. Use that time to relax.


2. See if you can gently pull out the condom with your fingers

Try squatting or getting on all fours, then with clean fingers (with neat, trimmed fingernails to avoid any tearing. Ouch) see if you can feel the condom with your finger tips.

If you can, you should be able to gently hook the condom until it's a little lower down. Once that's done you can either continue to wriggle the condom out with one finger, or insert two fingers in a pinching motion to pull that sucker out.

Please, please, please, only use your fingers. Not tweezers, not scissors, not a chopstick, not anything else. Anything sharp and you're risking seriously injuring your vagina, and anything not attached to your body could end up being taken in anally and get stuck, too. Then you'll have two things stuck up your bum and you'll feel a bit silly.

3. Push

If you can't feel the condom with your fingertips, it's time to push it out.

If the condom is trapped in your anal passage, you can do this by trying to do a poo (sit on the toilet in case some faeces actually does come out).

If the condom is in your vagina, you'll need to activate the muscles you'd use to birth a baby. It's easier if you squat or stand with one leg resting on the toilet.

Do a few pushes and see if the condom is lower down or has come out. Don't do this to the point that you're frustrated and sobbing – you'll tense up and only make things harder.

4. Ask your partner for help

If they helped to get the condom stuck in there, they can help you get it out of there.

Ask your partner to lend a helping hand and see if they can gently remove the condom. They'll be able to get a proper look at what's going on (while you'd need to bend over or do some strategic mirror placement) and come at the problem from a different angle. Literally.

What it's like to come out as a sex and porn addict - Erica Garza picture: Ella Byworth

(Picture: Ella Byworth)

5. Don't be embarrassed to go to a professional

If you're unable to get the condom out, don't scrabble around for hours – go to the doctor or a gynaecologist.

I promise, there's no shame in asking for professional help, and it's very likely that they've seen worse than a condom stuck inside someone.

They'll have the tools needed to easily and safely remove the condom. Yes, it may feel a touch embarrassing, but it's much better to get it sorted as soon as possible than spend days letting the condom fester before finally giving in and asking for help.

6. Check your safety

If the condom slipped off during sex, that means there were moments that the sex was unprotected – putting you at risk of pregnancy and the transfer of STIs.

If you're not on a hormonal contraceptive, it's wise to take the morning after pill in this instance.

You'll need to get a sexual health check (as you should be doing regularly regardless) to make sure you've got the all-clear.

It's worth seeing your doctor or gynaecologist even if you are on contraceptives and both you and your partner have been checked, so that they can check no damage has been done and no scraps of condom are still hanging out in your bits.

7. Prevent it from happening again

Don't be put off condoms because of this mishap – they're not all bad and the safety benefits far outweigh the risks.

The reason for the initial slippage may have been down to a sizing issue, so if you've ended up with a stuck condom situation, it's worth trying out a tighter condom to make sure it doesn't happen again.

The debacle may also have been caused by incorrect wear (have a brush up on your 'putting on a condom' skills) or using a condom that was too thin to withstand sex without tearing.

Don't let this experience put you off sex or condom-use – just reflect on what happened, make sure you're safe, and try again. It'll be okay.

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What Happens if a Condom Comes Off Inside You
